This training ministry offers conferences and retreats for churches, faith-based organizations and companies offering Christian-sponsored events. The conference or retreat content will encourage, equip and engage Christians who are seeking Biblically-based, Christ-centered principles as they navigate their personal and professional lives.
Misty Cedrun is an accomplished leader, supervisor, instructor, keynote speaker, facilitator and emcee. She has taken 40 years of secular work experience and Bible study to develop Bible Application Training for Christians who desire a deeper understanding of how God is using them in their workplace or community. She has a heart for coaching, mentoring and teaching while showing the Bible is the best ethical and self-help book ever written. Misty’s retreats and conferences are rooted in two principles – “Loving Your Neighbor & Being A Mentor.” Misty’s career in law enforcement combined with her quick wit and amusing stories will deliver useful, Biblically-based tools which will help anyone facing challenges in their personal or professional relationships.
Over the past 40 years, I have witnessed hundreds of co-workers, leaders, friends and family members struggle with stress, toxic environments and difficult professional and personal situations. Some of these individuals were Christians and yet they had no faith-based mentoring or training on how to address their challenges. Despite the fact I had a secular job and I was not a ministry leader, God provided endless opportunities to encourage, pray and mentor Christians and non-believers who were struggling. Since my retirement, I have been praying for God’s direction on what to do with my time. He placed on my heart a training ministry built upon God’s word and focused on “Loving Your Neighbor & Being A Mentor.” It is my hope and prayer this Bible Application Training would encourage others.
- Misty Cedrun